Nanotechnology Degree Programs at SRM University

The four year programme is designed to help prepare students from a broad range of disciplines for careers or graduate study in fields involving nanotechnology. These fields cover a spectrum ranging from medicine (drug delivery) and catalysis to surface/bulk chemistry and controlling even at the atomic/molecular scale to quantum computing. The students are consistently encouraged to develop this interdisciplinary approach to science and engineering. The course prepares the exciting career opportunities in a variety of diverse fields to the students.
The program imparts several courses in Material Science, Thermodynamics, Mathematical physics, Quantum Physics, Nanochemistry initially. Later on, it provides the basic aspects of Instrumentation techniques and the advanced courses such as Thin Film Technology and Nanophotonics. At the end of programe, the students are expected to do a well-qualified project. This program is intended to enable the students' interests and provide the basic research activities for deeper insights in both theoretical and experimental aspects.